Sunday, August 5, 2018

The paperback is now available through amazon.  If you love real books like me, then check it out.


  1. Mr.Strain, when will the 3rd volume of the World in Flames Trilogy be released?

  2. Dude please please, When is Patton's War aka World in Flames coming???????

  3. Just finished the series up thru Patton's War.
    As you write MacArthur's War PUH-LEESE finish Patton's War in full detail. Don't just brush it off with a paragraph stating "Patton Succeded." Give Patton and the Euro Theatre its full due!

    Love the writing. Would suggest a bit, not a lot, more delving into the "whys" of stuff like Patton's depression. I did not fully grasp why he hid in his room sucking his thumb.

    Looking forward to seeing how the Asian Emperor pulls China away from Mao and conquers Manchuria and Siberia.

    Consider Patton meeting Mac in Moscow for a beer and lunch!

  4. Hello Mr. Strain. Encountered Stalin's War and Truman's War in Amazon. Was asking a relative going back to the Philippines to buy them for me when Patton's War came out. Happy to say that I have the three books now and just finished the first two in the trilogy. I consider your books the best I read on alternate histories of a 1945 Western Allies vs Soviets. I hope that MacArthur's War will be available as soon as possible.
